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About me

Hi there! Welcome to my personal blog revolving around my own literature and my life. I began writing when I was 12 - where I discovered my love for creative story writing in a fateful English lesson - and have been writing poetry, books and short stories ever since. In my lifetime I have done a lot, seen a lot, experienced a lot and done my best to live to my hearts fulfilling. I have done so by travelling to 10 different countries, seeing 17 main cities, enjoyed many live performances, been adventurous and daring, bold and brave, written 3 books, and most importantly of all of them, I have unfortunately battled with mental health and tried to take my own life. That last one is a big thing for me, as I'm sure it is for others who suffer the same. But as much as I regret my choice to take an overdose, I will never regret the way it has molded and shaped me into the person that I am today and how I have found serenity in reading and writing. Literature rules!

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