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Is the Concept of a “Vulnerable Refugee” an Excuse to Limit Immigration?

Today I will be reviewing a blog post by Stathis Poularakis titled ‘The emergence of the notion of the “vulnerable refugee”’, posted on the 8thNovember 2017. I chose to look at the blog post as it looked like an interesting topic, which is a current issue as it is happening now and can be related to Brexit.

This article focuses on the emergence of a subcategory of refugee known as the “vulnerable refugee”. The fact that certain countries do not want to deal with the refugee problem (or are unable) leads to refugees having to be prioritised, with “vulnerable” refugees being at the top of the list. Vulnerable refugees include children, ill persons, pregnant women and suffers of violence and abuse. However, the problem with this is that the protection and help given to vulnerable refugees should be given to all refugees. Additionally, this focus on vulnerable refugees is unlikely for their benefit, but rather to limit immigration. This relates to Brexit as one of the main reasons the British population voted to leave was due to immigration and the fact that they wanted less immigration. This links to the idea of the vulnerable refugee as a way for Britain to limit the amount of refugees which enter Britain.

The post focused on an interesting topic which I didn’t know about beforehand. It gives a good amount of information on the idea of vulnerable refugees, however, it lacks any real examples of this happening. The post is slightly hard to follow at certain points and I found myself losing interest at those points. There is no summarising conclusion, which could make the article slightly more rounded.

Original Blog Post:

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