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First Blog Post: Review of Ramadan v. Malta: When will the Strasbourg Court understand that national

Despite this blog post being quite long, it was very concise and made excellent points without using too much description. The topic of the blog post, revocation of citizenship, is relevant in today’s world especially since the EU referendum has taken place leaving certain citizens with a citizenship dilemma. There is also a satisfying number of weaknesses of the topic given in the blog post which have been expanded on adequately without going on tangent. In this blog post there is also a number of good sources used to back up points, such as the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights. The author themselves also highlighted how the blog post in relevant to today’s world. One possible suggestion would be to include more cases to support points made in the blog post, just to emphasise the problem with the revocation of citizenship.

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