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Harsh Treatment of Non Nationals by the Home Office

This blog post is very concise and doesn’t waste any words in getting across its point. The post is considerably short but doesn’t miss out on vital information, however, the post can be updated to be longer after the results of the case. The font and text size are appealing and make it easier to read in general. A criticism of this blog post is that there is no use of any other cases, despite this not being necessary I believe it would help support the facts being presented in this piece. The article is recent which supports the idea that it’s relevant as it’s happening now and can affect any non-nationals trying to gain entry or remain in the UK. This article is particularly interesting as it focuses on the UK’s immigration laws which are shown to be unforgiving to non-nationals. I agree with the view of the writer in terms that the Home Office is being unfair in it’s decision to make Mrs Waterman leave the UK as it is clear that Mr Waterman is unable to look after himself let alone his children and he needs Mrs Waterman’s presence and care, which should be classed as exceptional circumstances. Overall, I believe this to be a well-written article, albeit it being short, that was enjoyable to read and is easy to understand and educates people on topics they may not think or know much about.


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